Monday, December 04, 2006

Death Valley Marathon recap

We got to Death Valley Friday night around 9:00PM. It's been six years since I was there. I really forgot how incredibly awe inspiring the place was. Plus, I forgot how darn cold it can get there at night. The temperature was around 37 degrees. I pitched the old Sierra Design tent and we crawled in our warm and cozy Mountain Hardwear sleeping bags. Race day was bright and sunny. We checked in at the Furnace Creek Saloon to get our race numbers and chips. Nicole's goal was to run a sub-4 hour marathon. My plan was to pace her. At 8:00AM we were off. It was a pretty small group of runners and spread out fast. I forgot how darn hilly Death Valley was which really affected our mile split times. Still, at the turn around point we were right on mark. But the hills did catch up with us and we crossed the line at 4:05:32. Not bad for a December marathon in a beautiful place like Death Valley.

If you ever get a chance, you've got to do the race in Death Valley. It really is an incredible experience. If the marathon isn't for you, they have a half-marathon and a 10k. For marathon, half-marathon or 10k training info, check out I've been using Hal's programs for years to get ready for races. Hope this helps!

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