Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Stop the New Year Madness

It's that time of year again. Time to make a life altering New Year's Resolution that odds are, most of us will not keep. Why is that? I have found over the years that most people do not put too much thought into these resolutions. Often they are made after too many cocktails or just a repeat of last years failed attempt. How do we stop the madness?

Of course there is no fail safe plan, it all depends on you, your motivation and dedication level. I recommend that you start thinking about some challenging, interesting and fun goal or event that you'd like to undertake. Come up with a doable goal but not an unrealistic one like looking like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie. Sorry guys, that ain't happening for any of us. Or the same old goal of losing weight.

Set a fun goal, like a race, strength contest or charity event, and work systematically towards achieving it. I tell people not to focus on weight loss, but to let it become a by-product of your training. That way you're not constantly obsessed with food, not eating and those evil scales.

For instance, I have a group of clients training for January races from a half marathon to a 50 miler. They're all getting in shape, having fun together and losing weight. Weight loss is a by-product of their training.

You don't have to choose a marathon. Your goal can be a 5k, 10k, Cancer March, Triathlon, Muddy Buddy, Strongman, Highland Game, Bodybuilding show or Ultramarathon. You pick it! Make it fun, adventuresome and exciting. Gather some family and friends to join ya. That's the best part.

For instance, here are some very cool goals that some of my friends and I have for 2008;

My friend & client, Michelle Ehda, is getting married in 2008. She wants to get in the best shape possible. You can follow her progress and support her at - http://community.active.com/blogs/Michelle_Wants_to_Get_Active

Another friend, Toby at Active.com, is getting ready for his first 100 miler and other crazy fun stuff. You can check him out at - http://community.active.com/people/Active%20Toby

These are just a few of the events I have on the radar.
-Chicago's Strongest Man competition, http://www.nastrongmaninc.com/pdf/entries/ChicagoStrongestMan08.pdf
-La Ruta de los Conquistadores,
-North American Wife Carrying championship, http://www.sundayriver.com/summer/wifecarry.html

Come join the fun. Life's too short. Work Hard and Play Harder!


Anonymous said...

New Years resolutions with a vague goal like losing weight is always hard to keep. By focusing on a particular event, not just *any* 5k or 100k, not only gives you a tangible goal, but a fixed date that you have to make progress by.

I found this great article on using economics to enforce weak resolve. http://www.slate.com/id/2179370/

I wondered how Stickk will "enforce" its contracts. But Joe, you could do that with your workout clients. Take deposits from them and if they achieve their goal, great. If they don't stick with the program, donate their deposit to charity.

Anonymous said...

Time to set some goals for 2008
1) continue to help the kids and parents achieve their family fitness goals.
2) with the assistance of the Sat. crew...strive to become a better person and athlete.
3) finish the "300" challenge in less than 1 day.
4) run a 6 min. mile...before we run 10 stairs and 4 hills!
5) less than 7% BF
6) try to sneak out of the shadow and get a little sun.
7)help make everyone we work out with feel better about being themselves... "you train with us...your a friend of mine"
Best of luck to all in 2008